Wow! I’m so humbled by the fantastic feedback on my DIY blue and white Chinoiserie pumpkins! Thank you so, so much to everyone who’s taken the time to read and leave lovely comments here on the blog as well as on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram (they got over 2000 likes on Craftsposure - say whaaaaattt?)!

Speaking of Instagram, you probably know by now that I’m a bit of an Instagram addict… I post daily and check my feed far more times a day than I’d like to admit. I think a lot of people don’t get it. It would be a lie if I said I didn’t care about the number of followers and likes, but that’s not why I’m hooked. This magical little platform is my source of inspiration, my creative sanctuary, basically what keeps me sane!

I don’t say it often enough, but I’m so grateful for all the connections I’ve made and friendships built, for all the kind words these encouraging souls have offered, and for all the things I’ve learnt from this super talented community.

Like this watercolour nebula that I painted using this fantastic watercolour starry night tutorial from Zakkiya over at Inkstruck Studio.

The lovely Zakkiya regrammed it and we instantly became IG friends! So when she asked me if I would do a guest blog on how to style Instagram photos, I was super flattered, but also I thought it would be a nice way for me to give back to this supportive community in some small way.

My photos and styling are by no means perfect, and I still have so, so much to learn, but I would love for you to hop on over to the Inkstruck Studio blog to have a peek at the tips and tricks I’ve learnt from my ah-mazing Makelight tutor - Emily Quinton, my fellow Makelight students, and the truly talented stylists and photographers that I follow on Instagram!

If you’d like a daily dose of prettiness and to follow my little creative journey, you can find me at @lingyeungb! x